When a school initially joins Shidokan International, it is issued an associate membership. This is a one-year, probationary level membership. It is more or less "the dating phase" of our relationship. During this period, we determine if the school is a good fit for our organization and the school owner can test the waters to decide if Shidokan is able to fill the needs of his/her school.
After successfully completing the probationary phase, a school is issued a one-year, charter membership. This is more or less "the engagement phase" of our relationship.
The Shidokan hierarchy and the other Shidokan school owners work closely with the new charter member to grow their school on every level by helping them solve any technical and business problems that their school is facing that may be inhibiting its growth. If your objective is to become a full time, professional martial artist we will help you accomplish your goal.
After the one-year charter membership period, a school is issued a licensure. If the school is carrying on the traditions of a particular Ryu, such as Goju-Ryu, Shorin-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, etc., it is issued a Ryu-Ha License. If the school teaches more of an eclectic style of martial arts, it is issued an organizational Kai-Ha Licensure. This is the "marriage phase" of our relationship. The license is valid for as long as the school remains an active, contributing member of the organization. If the school divorces the organization or if the organization revokes the school's membership for any reason, their license will also be revoked. The organization also reserves the right to revoke any individual teaching licensures or appointments issued to members of the involved school above the level of Sensei which includes Renshi and above.